Frequently Asked Questions

Get smooth, sleek, and sexy. Waxing isn’t just about hair removal. It’s a skincare treatment as well. My fast and effective waxing services will leave your skin hair-free and fabulously smooth.

General Waxing

Don’t Shave or Trim your hair once you decided to go for Waxing Session. Your hair needs to be a minimum of 0.5cm- it is not a problem if it's longer (if it's too long your therapist will trim it)- they should be longer rather than shorter, if they are too short, they just won't come out. This helps ensure that hair is completely removed from the root.

If this is your first-time waxing, try to grow out hair from your most previous hair removal for around 2 weeks.

Waxing reduces hair growth when performed every four to five weeks. While shaving crops the hair at the skin's surface, waxing pulls it out by the root, so it grows back softer, finer, and thinner. Your hair won’t grow back thicker and darker after waxing, just the opposite! Hair that is removed at the root grows back softer and finer over time.

It depends on your tolerance for discomfort. With waxing, you're removing hair from the root. The good news is that our Wax Professionals will make sure you're as comfortable as possible.

First, congratulations! Secondly, yes, you can still wax. However, you may experience more skin sensitivity due to the hormonal changes your body's going through. Also, our Wax Professionals will make you as comfortable as possible during the service.

For waxing services, refrain from wearing tight clothing, drinking caffeinated drinks, and shaving at least one week before the appointment.

Avoiding ingrown hairs is easy if you make sure to exfoliate 2-3 times per week.

Nope! On the contrary, it will grow back finer and sparser. Especially if you do it regularly.

Yes! Our waxing technicians are required to wear gloves.

We highly recommend that you wear something loose or bring a pair of shorts to wear after the procedure.

For Ages 13 to 17 an informed consent is required, with a testimony that informs us that your parents understand the risks. This written parental consent is to be submitted, but it is not vital that the parent is present.

For Ages 12 and below, the parent must be present to accomplish the written consent form and sign the waiver form on the minor’s behalf.

Best to wait two days after your waxing session before engaging in any physical activity or staying under the sun.

Before Waxing treatment

After Waxing Treatment

Avoid this for 24-48 hours.